I'm a perfectionist. An over-achiever. A type-A, go-getting, jet-setting, wine-swirling, coffee-drinking, carb-avoiding gym bunny with an overpriced wardrobe, a fantastic Instagram feed and a life to be envied. At least, that's how it looked. In reality, I was permanently stressed, overwhelmed, exhausted, emotionally drained, anxiety ridden and depressed. My immune system was compromised, my hair was falling out, my digestive system crippled by stress, I rarely slept more than four hours, I avoided my friends unless they were accompanied by copious amounts of alcohol and I cried at least four times a day.
Sound familiar?
I burned out long before people probably think I did. When my burnout hit, I ignored it. I kept pushing, kept going, kept pretending everything was okay, until my body physically couldn't continue any longer and it almost completely shut down. Suddenly, I couldn't get out of bed. I couldn't get off the bathroom floor. I couldn't get off the couch. I just couldn't do anything, anymore. I didn't want to do anything ever again.
I was incredibly lucky, although it didn’t feel like it at the time - because I had a support network around me who swooped in and saved me when I absolutely could not save myself.
I was sent to a fantastic doctor, who referred me to a fantastic therapist, who gave me the tools to go back to my GP, who gave me the right medication that got my anxiety under control enough that I could handle working with said therapist, who gave me a structure, a safe space, and the coping mechanisms I needed to face the reality I was in and essentially save my life. I had recently moved to a new flat close to good friends and a yoga studio, and I leaned heavily on both. I was incredibly lucky to have all that and I’m very aware of that fact.
On my podcast, Your Supernova Moment, I retrace the steps of my own Burnout Recovery journey in a bid to help you with yours too. In this early episode, I share MY Supernova Moment - my Burnout Story, in all its messy glory. If you relate to what you’ve read on this page, why not check out the episode below - or search and subscribe to Your Supernova Moment wherever you get your podcasts.
I was also interviewed on Fried: The Burnout Podcast about my experience with Burnout and some of the key elements of my Burnout Recovery Journey. You can listen to the episode here, or by searching for Fried wherever you get your podcasts.
As I look back on my experience with the benefit of hindsight, I can see what trouble I was in so clearly. But at the time, when I was in it, I just couldn't see it. Have you ever heard the fable about a frog in hot water? If you toss a frog into a pan of hot water, it will leap out immediately. But if you put a frog in a pan of cold water and slowly heat it up, it will keep regulating it's body temperature over and over until it can't regulate any more, but by that time it's too late and the frog boils alive. Gross, right? Well, exactly. If you wouldn't wish it on a frog, why are you letting yourself boil alive?
If this all sounds uncomfortably familiar, or if you feel like you're in danger of burning out - I can help. I’m not a therapist, let's be very clear on that. I'm not a psychologist or a counsellor - I'm a coach. I'm here to support and guide from my own experience, to give you practical applications to improve your wellness, to give you tools to manage your life better and avoid getting into the messy situation I found myself in. A coach will support you, cheer you on, listen to you vent, and help you find the answers you need. If you need a therapist but haven't a clue where to find one, I'll help find you one suited to your needs and budget! If you want to completely transform your life and don't know where to start, I'll help you make that plan and see that you stick to it! If you want to be HAPPY, and you don't know how, I'm here to help.
Since my Burnout, I have completely transformed my life. I made the decision that my Burnout was going to be my SUPERNOVA moment, my chance to reset, and shine brightly in a brand new life. I left my job, I left my industry, I even left London! Though the pandemic obviously played a role in that. I left my ‘dream life’ behind, swallowed my pride and went to stay with my parents in the Lincolnshire countryside.
And… I’m still here! I’ve built my business from my little studio just outside of Lincoln, gained qualifications and certifications in coaching (with a particular focus on Burnout recovery and prevention, finding happiness and life purpose) as well as yoga and meditation. I gained my 200 hour Ashtanga Vinyasa teacher training qualification from Sampoorna Yoga (Goa) and have since dived into my love of Yin Yoga (which was a HUGE part of my Burnout Recovery Journey) through online trainings with Sampoorna and Norman Blair. After discovering what a huge difference meditation made to my life, I studied guiding meditation with Jeff Warren (whose voice you may know from the ‘Calm’ and ‘10% Happier’ meditation apps) and have since developed my skills in writing and guiding original mindfulness meditations.
Burnout Recovery is not quick. It doesn’t happen overnight. I have faced relapses and navigated my way out of them, and you can too. I’m managing my own recovery every day so I know it’s a long old road! But it’s also one that’s easier to travel with support.
Follow @maggiesupernovacoach
on Instagram for daily Burnout Tips, Yoga classes and Meditation sessions, and of course… pretty pictures.

Sometimes, getting started is the hardest part. If you’re not sure if coaching is for you, or if you just need some one off guidance to set you on the right track, why not take advantage of one of my free 30 minute taster sessions? I have a limited number of these available per week so if you would like to book in, get in touch and let’s have a chat!