Monday 20 March marks the Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere; which means that we’ve finally shifted out of the tail end of Winter and we’re officially into Spring. The days are now longer than the nights, and will continue to be until Midsummer. Aaaaaaand breathe.

Let’s be real, when you’re in the dark depths of Burnout and dealing with chronic stress, it doesn’t make much difference what the weather is doing. If that’s where you are right now, head over to my recent podcast episode on the foundations of Burnout Recovery, and book in with me for a free 30 minute chat about your stress and Burnout and how to begin to recover from Burnout.

But if you’re not right in the boiling pot, this moment of transition into Spring can be an amazing moment to reset and ‘Spring Clean’ your stress!

Winter is miserable. It’s long, it’s dark, it’s cold and wet - and frankly, this year especially, it’s been bloody expensive. And stress can really build up during this time, so why not take this moment and let the Vernal Equinox be the kick up the butt you need to do something about it.

So are my top tips for embracing the seasonal shift into Spring:

Start simple, and breathe.

Breathe deep, and breathe in the hope and light and warmth and energy of Spring.

Breathe out the heaviness of Winter, leave it behind. Let go of everything you don’t need.

Write it out.

Grab your journal and do a bit of a brain dump.

Reflect on how you’re feeling, how you’ve been feeling. Get it out of your head and onto paper.

Set some new boundaries and goals that are relevant for where you are right now.

Revisit your Intentions.

Remember those? Perhaps you set them at the start of the year. This is your reminder to go back to them!

It's okay if they need to change. It's okay if you've forgotten about them until right now! All you need to do is revisit them, reflect and reset. And if you haven’t yet set any Intentions for the year, maybe now is a good time to do so!

Clear the decks.

Declutter! Literally Spring Cleaning your environment can help you to feel less overwhelmed and more grounded.

I can hear my mother laughing from here when she reads this because I am NOT a tidy person by nature - but I really notice the difference when I do!

Step into Nature.

Get outside! It’s raining as I write this (#England) so pick your moment obviously. But get outside, go for walks, get in the garden, the woods, down to the coast, whatever is most accessible and enjoyable for you.

There's a reason everyone says time in nature is so good for your mental health: BECAUSE IT IS.

Plant something. Grow something!

If you didn’t get on that Spring bulb train back in Autumn, buy yourself a little pot of daffodils or tulips and watch them bloom.

It's also the perfect time to start thinking about sowing seeds for summer harvests and blooms. There's real magic in helping things grow.

If you’re reading these and secretly (or not so secretly) thinking; ‘eff off Maggie, I barely have time to catch my breath let alone embrace the seasonal shift of bloody Spring’, believe me, I’ve been there. I went years barely noticing the passing of the seasons from inside an office, or inside my own head. Let this be your signal to do something about that! I am walking, talking, living, breathing proof that change is actually possible, even for the hottest, messiest of hot messes.

You deserve to have time to breathe. You deserve to have time to enjoy longer days, warmer weather, and to be able to step back from your stress. If it’s chronic, and overwhelming, then I can help. Come chat with me for free and see what I can do for you!


Maggie Supernova

Burnout Prevention & Recovery Coach | Yoga & Meditation

Helping amazing women figure out how to get on top of their Stress, tackle feelings of Exhaustion and Overwhelm and beat Burnout for good. Find what Balance looks like for you, prioritise your Self and your Happiness, and learn how to love who you are - away from what you do.


beat burnout with… pancakes?